For the project we had to select an existing article, and create a new editorial spread. The article I chose is "Love is Not Enough" by Mark Manson, which was published in 2014. The article is about how beautiful love is, but only if it is in a healthy relationship. 
Manson gives three hard truths about love:
- Love does not equal compatibility
- Love does not solve your relationship problems
- Love is not always worth sacrificing yourself for.
For the final editorial spread, I used the color red on the right page to connect to the idea of love. The body copy is in black to assist readability. The script text on the right page is almost like love notes. These notes are written by myself to make them look more personal. The heading is bold across the page to capture the viewers’ attention. “Not” is underlined in the title to emphasize that love is not enough. The title font is also to make it look more hand-drawn. The body text is a more modern serif font to help with legibility. The quote on the left page is more prominent than the body copy to balance out the double page. The date, page numbers, and magazine name are added to the bottom of the page in a smaller font to keep the title the main focus.
Love is Not Enough


Love is Not Enough
