Gaudi's work has left an undeniable imprint on Barcelona
It is striking how sensual the Sagrada Familia is
Even seemingly unintended architectural coincidences have potential symbolic or mystical meaning
Something about Gaudi's aesthetic is undeniably modern even almost a hundred years after his death
The idea to create an "architectural cave" - present in Gaudi's Parc Güell - is seen very heavily in architecture school studios today
La Boqueria is an extremely large open-air market in Barcelona that operates under a large metal roof
The market lies within what used to be a plaza, though it is almost impossible to tell; colonnades that surround the market do well to further mitigate sun
A church within the Great Mosque of Cordoba
It is remarkable how the church fits into the mosque - stepping into it is like stepping into another building; even the temperature and color of the light changes
In Cordoba, the sun was less forgiving and shading was scant - so much so that any situation that offered shade was seen as heaven-sent
Granada's streets are extremely tight for maximum thermal comfort; the extreme density allows for shade throughout the day as well as easy walkable access to immediate surroundings
The Court of the Lions is the Alhambra's pinnacle of sensual design and extreme ornament
Despite Granada's complex history, the city looks remarkably homogeneous
Madrid's Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía is decidedly heavy, oppressive, and brooding for a museum - fitting for a building filled with 20th century art; most of the modernist works within respond to the wartorn realities of Spain's political landscape at the time
Spain's historic center of power is juxtaposed against an unused construction crane in a bout of serendipity; this country's tumultuous and storied history is entering a new chapter, in which a stagnant economy threatens the future welfare of the nation
On Spain

On Spain

Spain is a textbook case of "sequent occupance": each successive ruler of the area has left his indelible mark upon the landscape. Interestingly, Read More
