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Rocrea Furniture - Branding and Visual Identity

About Rocrea:

Rocrea is a UK-based furniture brand that combines sustainability and elegance in its designs. Known for its commitment to using environmentally friendly materials and production methods, Rocrea creates handcrafted pieces that appeal to eco-conscious consumers. Their furniture seamlessly blends traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics, offering versatile solutions for contemporary living while preserving the beauty of natural materials.

Why Hosam.Brands: 

Understanding the crucial nexus between brand perception and success, Rocrea approached Hosam.Brands to revamp their entire brand and visual identity. They wanted to ensure that their brand resonated powerfully with their ethos and stood out in a saturated market.

Brand Identity, Brand Strategy, Logo Design, Print Design.


Rocrea Furniture aims to design a unique and sustainable dining table that appeals to eco-conscious consumers in the UK. The table must incorporate a blend of modern and traditional elements, be space-efficient for urban living, and make use of environmentally friendly materials and production methods.


To meet this challenge, Rocrea Furniture can develop the "Eco-Blend Dining Table." This dining table will be made from reclaimed wood from sustainable sources in the UK, feature a space-efficient and modular design, blend traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics, and use eco-friendly finishes. The table will be produced locally, packaged with eco-friendly materials, and offered at a competitive price point, aligning with Rocrea's values of sustainability and elegance.

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Rocrea Furniture - Branding and Visual Identity

Rocrea Furniture - Branding and Visual Identity
