1. "I know what it’s like, feeling defeated,
Not being able to look life in the face."
2. "I am fettered to misery,
as if life lost the key
to my release,
and I accept its hold on me."
3.  "I want to shake this madness
Out of my head and just be normal.
What I’d give to be normal…"
4. "This is consuming me." 
5. "Tonight I decided I'm done with all of this,
I'm done with wanting to die.
Tonight I stopped myself from writing a suicide note." 
6. "This is a tranformation.
I feel like I am becoming something new.
Something alive." 
7 "No one should want to die. 
Now I know what it's like to live,
really live.
I'm thriving, not just surviving."


This is a self portrait series to portray my struggle with depression as a teen. Below the photographs are excepts taken from old journal entries Read More


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