Vanessa Braga's profile

Viper Live Virtual Classroom

| The Project

Live virtual classroom is a new feature for an online private school.
The company responsible for the online private school, asked our team to create and integrate a live virtual classroom so students and teachers alike can interact face to face so the feeling of detachment and lonliness of each other doesn't show as strong as it does until now.
| The Team

The team working on this project is componsed by three developers, one designer (me) and one product manager.
| Pain Points

The senior designer and me interviewed several students from the online private school and teachers to find which pain points they had until now with the system as it is, which are:
- The feeling of lonliness and detachement from students and teachers;
- Not be able to chat face to face while in class and when working in groups;
- The difficulty in understand doubts from students sometimes from teachers, it's easier when they are looking at the sudents while speaking to them;
- Have to use other means to working in group, like chats and video software outside the school system;
- When the students have to work in groups in the classroom they have to also use other ways to communicate.
| Flow

We mapped the two different flows of the virtual classroom for both teachers and students. So we could create a user-friendly experience for each target group.
| Process

| Prototypes

We created two prototypes, for the two different users, teachers and students.
| Prototype for the user A - Teacher
| Prototype for the user B - Student
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Viper Live Virtual Classroom


Viper Live Virtual Classroom
