Legendary Lands
During #Inktober2023, I created weekly digital illustrations featuring legendary lands. In the first week, I explored the mythical riches of Eldorado, the city of gold. The second week took me to the sacred island of Avalon, home to the Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay and the sword Excalibur. In the third week, I delved into the Egyptian Duat, the underworldly realm of Osiris. The fourth week led me to the secretive city of Ratanabá in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. My journey ended on Bald Mountain in Eastern Europe, where witches gather to summon the god Czernobog. Each week's art blended my love for mythology and digital illustration.
The city of Eldorado
The sacred island of Avalon
The Egyptian underworld of Duat
The secret city of Ratanabá
The Bald Mountain
Legendary Lands

Legendary Lands
