In this project, through the perspective of volunteerism, understanding and recognizing, and identifying the benefits and impacts of such activities, as well as encouraging and promoting youth volunteerism. I was tasked to choose one organization and make a webcomic and purpose is to introduce and encourage youth volunteerism.

Who are they?
They are an animal welfare charity non-profit organization that promotes ethical and sustainable treatments of local street dogs and cats. They aims to have a stray-free Singapore by promoting adoption. Their mission is to save the lives of the homeless and unwanted companion animals of Singapore.

Target audience:
They are looking for volunteers above the age of 16 which means they welcome youth groups aged from 17 to 19 years old

Design Rationale:
In this comic. I want to motivate youths to volunteer in animal shelters showing that as they care for others, they themselves will benefit thus caring for themselves. By creating a character who is relatable to youths: someone who neglects their mental well-being. Stressed about studies. staying up late and seeking contentment and meaning in life but as she helped the animals in need, her mental health improved.

Design highlight:
The use of monotone colors to communicate the mood and mental well-being of the character with a contrast of different colors of the character and background to highlight the focus of the panel. The use of perspective and environment to convey the story

Visual development: Art style inspiration
Visual development: Character sketches
Main Characters consist of a teenage girl named Ami and an abandon dog
Visual development: Sketches, process
Planning and forming the best possible layouts and elements with the storyline through sketches. 
*The process progresses from left to right*
Final Webcomic with GIF
Used Procreate to create gif on each page to attract our audience
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4

Promotional website & Instagram carousel posts
To promote to youths online.

