Inge Groenewald's profile

IOW 300, 3.2 Event Branding REDO

IOW 300, 3.2  Event Branding REDO 

Project Brief

The project involves creating a visual identity for a change-maker's conference, focusing on the theme of "Creative Force." Participants will choose a meaningful cause, develop a brand identity for their initiative, and choose a sponsor whose brand aligns with the cause. The project includes defining an event persona, selecting a suitable name, and establishing a visual language through typography, photography, and design elements. The goal is to create a unified and flexible visual identity that represents the event's ethos and engages the target audience. The final deliverables include design collateral and a style guide to ensure consistency across various platforms and applications.

Project Deliverables 

Vertical Narrative including 
1. Outdoor Media
    Landscape billboard (3m x 6m)
2. Promotional Gift
    Mock-up for event goodie bag
3. Event Programme/Booklet
    Develop in booklet or folded brochure format
4. Operational Design
    Event Name Tags ×3: Media | Staff | Nominee
    Dimensions: 56.5mm (W) × 88.5mm (H)
    Impactful design relevant to the theme
    Expand the graphic vocabulary set
5. Moodboard + Process Work 

Design Strategy

Looky, is a change maker initiative, aimed at transforming the way society views kids with unique eyes. Our mission is to dispel misconceptions surrounding children with squint or skew eyes. The vertical narrative is lighthearted with soft pastel colours and illustrations fostering a world where joy and playfulness has no bounds. Looky, helps children between the ages of 6 mouths to 5 years, providing them the needed support, such as reading glasses, eye muscle surgery, eyedrops and eyepatches. Looky, also has a series of workshops for schools and community centres, including interactive games as well as raising awareness about Strabismus and the effects it has on children's development and self-confidence. 


The redo includes improvements to the vertical narrative to enhance both aesthetic appeal as well as functionality. The consistency across the brand is clear in the colour palette, typography and layout. The visual hierarchy guides the users' attention effectively. The persona Stevie Wonder, is a great fit for Looky, because the legendary musician who is blind, has been an advocate for various causes throughout his career. 

Vertical Narrative 

Process Work 



Strabismus, is the term used for eyes that are not straight and do not focus on the same object. The eyes may turn:
inward (called "cross-eyed"), outward, up or down.
Strabismus is also known as a lazy eye. The medical term for lazy eye is amblyopia. It can happen when strabismus isn't treated — the brain starts to ignore what the weaker eye sees, which can make vision blurry, cause double vision, and affect a kid's depth perception (seeing in 3D). These problems can become permanent if they're not treated. 

Kids can be born with strabismus or develop it in childhood. Often, it's caused by a problem with the muscles that move the eyes, and can run in families. Most kids with strabismus are diagnosed when they're between 1 and 4 years old. Rarely, a child might develop strabismus after age 6.


IOW 300, 3.2 Event Branding REDO

IOW 300, 3.2 Event Branding REDO
