Inge Groenewald's profile

ILL 301, 3.1 Editorial REDO

ILL 301, 3.1  Editorial REDO

Project Brief

Working with one of the given Magazines (Wallpaper, New York Times, Vice and Variety): Conceptualize, research and write an article, along with a typographical cover and double-page spread. In Addition, a full-style redesign of the chosen magazine. The layout and design choices should be able to be used by the magazine for all their articles. It should be universal yet bold and new.

Project Deliverables 

Vertical Narrative Including: 
1. Cover Page
2. Double Page Spread
3. Vertical Narrative
4. Process Work 

Design Strategy 

The article focuses on the history, cultural significance and the initial purpose of tattoos. What drew me to this topic was individuals who see tattoos as a form of pain relief. The physical sensation of the tattoo needle can serve as a distraction from emotional pain, and may provide a temporary reprieve from other challenges. The the process of getting a tattoo involves the body's natural response to pain, which can trigger the release of endorphins.

The use of tattoos for pain relief is a concept rooted in ancient traditions and cultural practices. Various cultures throughout history have incorporated tattooing into rituals that were believed to have therapeutic effects, including pain relief.
In many traditional societies, tattoos were administered using specific techniques and designs believed to hold spiritual or medicinal significance. These tattoos were usually located near joints, as a form of acupuncture. ​​​​​​​
Vertical Narrative 
Process Work​​​​​​​
ILL 301, 3.1 Editorial REDO

ILL 301, 3.1 Editorial REDO
