image of the process of rust printing
My exploration of rust printing is a way for me to connect with the natural processes of decay and transformation. Through this experimental technique, I am able to capture the beauty of oxidation and corrosion in a unique and unpredictable way. Each piece I create through rust printing tells a story of time, history, and the inevitable passage of elements. By embracing the impermanence of rust, I am able to create art that is both raw and captivating, inviting viewers to reflect on the beauty that can be found in decay.
Nehru Art Gallery, Bhilai
"Exploring the intricate forms between humanity and nature through a rust print inspired by the vivid hues of a pond tainted by spilled toxic pigments. Reflecting on our impact, the artwork embodies the fragile yet profound relationship between our actions and the environment."
organic print
Rust printing


Rust printing

"Exploring the intricate dance between humanity and nature through a rust print inspired by the vivid hues of a pond tainted by spilled toxic pig Read More
