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03. Typography : Redo

03. Typography : Redo
ISTD - International Society of Typographic Designers 
2023 Student Brief


As part of the ISTD 2023 Student Assessment Scheme, this project required choosing and completing one of five student briefs provided by ISTD. The final product could be in different forms, but it had to strongly focus on research, concept development, and seamlessly integrating typography into design at a high level. All designs also needed to include a strategy and specifications document outlining the guidelines for the final design.

For this project, Brief 5: The Spaces Between was selected. This brief centred on exploring the concept of spaces and their transitional nature. The task involved researching a chosen type of space and its properties. After this research, the project required choosing an appropriate deliverable that would guide the typographic design, considering the audience, purpose, narrative, and interactions.

The submission aimed to engage the audience and encourage possibilities instead of imposing constraints, promoting a creative and open-ended approach to the design process.


1. Research and design development
2. Strategy and specifications document
3. Final design outcome
4. Supporting imagery or media

Design Strategy

Spaces can be viewed as physical, metaphorical or a combination of both. Physical spaces are never purely physical since they can have various meanings and interpretations that may change over spaces in time. A prime example of this is how spaces evolve or devolve from their previous associations or meanings. In the context of this project, the focus is on haunted spaces.

The design approach focuses on creating a different perception of haunted spaces. Haunted houses are generally either approached in an overly playful or paranormal manner. The aim of this design solution is to approach it as a more mature, professional and educational experience rather than a terrifying or fun one.

The project focuses on a fictitious tour company named ‘Parapsych’ that conducts tours of haunted buildings across South Africa. The company’s slogan is “Touring the other side”. One discovery that greatly influenced the trajectory of my approach was the rich history surrounding each of the selected spaces. Through the design application, the rich history of each chosen haunted location is provided. The intended audience is people who have a fascination with haunted spaces or history, regardless of their age. 

The chosen project deliverables includes the design of a brand identity as well as a desktop website where clients can access information about the company and its services, book a tour, or just learn more about South Africa's fascinating haunted spaces. The website provides an introduction of the history and phenomena that takes place at each location. There is also an interactive component where users can engage by sharing their experiences which adds additional informative and marketing opportunities.

The colour palette is based on the interiors of each location as well as the events/history that sparked the hauntings. The patterning and colour application is made up of warped gradients to simulate the heat signatures given of by the entities in these spaces. The typography is based on typefaces used in old newspapers and redacted files. For this reason, the heading typeface is Courier Prime which is paired with Proxima Nova for body copy to create a visual tension and a sense of unease.


- The branding of Parapsych was further refined so that it has a distinct identity apart from the locations for which the company offers tours. This includes :
     - A secondary logo.
     - Visual elements for the brand apart from the content.
     - The addition of a static texture to simulate handheld camera footage.
     - The slogan font was changed to Courier Prime to better suit the tone of the brand.
- The grid was updated to 12 columns with a margin of 64 and a gutter of 32. 
- The layout and content of the blogs was refined for a cleaner look. Previously the paragraphs had rags and did not balance out which led to the pull quotes looking separated from the rest of the content.
- On the home page, the layout for the blog previews was refined. More space was given for the body copy and the buttons were updated to match the buttons on the rest of the website for a more cohesive design.
- The buttons were redesigned to better suit the rounded edges of the body copy, Poppins. This provides a softer and more welcoming look. 
- Alignment of elements was fixed in the comment section.
- Type hierarchy was revisited and refined.
- The website footer was refined.
- Filler content was replaced with refined copy.
- The buttons were also changed to an outline instead of a fill as to not clash with the other visual elements on the page.
- The style guide was updated to better suit the brand.

To view a side by side comparison, please click here.


Introducing Parapsych

The logo makes use of exclusion and radial blur paired with a grainy texture. The secondary logo consists of two P’s reflected to face one another, creating an icon resembling a door which links to the concept of ‘visiting the other side’. The branding for Parapsych consists of black and white paired with a TV static texture which links to the look and feel of found footage.


The heading typography consists of four layers. Two normal text layers set to an overlay effect to create a distressed ‘glowing’ effect which links to the apparitions in these haunted spaces paired with two layers of manipulated text underneath which capture the essence of each space. The headings consist of Courier Prime which links to old newspapers which links to the historical element of the final deliverable. Courier Prime is paired with Poppins as body copy for a softer and more welcoming look.

Colour Palette


To ensure a cohesive design, the visuals make use of the colour palette and visual effects applied to the above shown headings of each location. Through warping the text into a pattern, visuals simulating the heat signatures given off by the entities are created.

Final Outcome

To view the flats of the redesigns, please click here.

Style Guide

03. Typography : Redo

03. Typography : Redo
