The Same Old Story consists of three one-woman shows, written by Franca Rame, directed by Denel Honeyball and starring Carla Harris, Siobhan Lulama King and Denel Honeyball.
"The Same Old Story consists of three one-woman pieces written by Franca Rame. Have a bit of a laugh at the
ridiculous situations that women tend to find themselves in. There is some sexual content (yet far from a sex show) and bad language, but only the hilarious kind."
Playbill Theatre Company approached me to design marketing materials to be used at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown. The show had a limited budget, but needed a solution that would achieve maximum impact in a highly contested environment.
Design: Ryan Honeyball
Printing: Niall Bingham
The solution we came to is constructed with versatility and budgetary constaints in mind. The broadsheet style posters are silkscreen printed. The screens have been set up to be used in multiple configurations allowing for variation. Some posters were hung while others were handed to people directly. A digital poster was also designed to be displayed on portrait orientated screens located at box offices.
Digital poster
The Same Old Story