Someone help these guys! They're struggling with decision making! 
I'm drawing doubtful characters, and it's such a joy when I manage to convey the intended facial expression. And drawing people of different races and nationalities is also amazing. 😊
What about trading and volatility? Now this is certainly something to be concerned about...

This student with pencil is thinking about the key equation of quantum mechanics - the Schrödinger equation. Yes, The Schrödinger, the one with a cat 🐱
We all know how it feels to not be able to take the RIGHT decision...

And angels and demons are always around to lead us on our good path or to draw us away from it.
This is how it all started, an as you can see, this project is in process. I'm yet to finish three more characters in Adobe Illustrator.

Please support me in my creative journey, it means a lot to me!

Thanks for watching and have a great day :)
Doubtful Men