Bachan (2010)
Project for "La Casa del Artista" (House of the Artist), group exhibition.
"Bachan" is the kind of meat that comes from a killed cow, not meant for human consumption. Based on this statement, this series explores the reasons why people is pushed to buy this kind of meat (cheapest price), not caring about getting a possible disease associated with this kind of meat consumption, its the only way some social classes can consume this kind of food. This game is played by needs and greety persons that want money, not caring about other's needs.
Series constituted of 2 piezographies, each one 76x51 cms.
Limited edition prints available for sale.
(BAC01) "Hunger and Acceptance"
(BAC02) "Hunger and Acceptance"
                                                                               © Rafael Blando Torres


Exploring some circumstances in social classes interaction


Creative Fields