NEVMA is a first and second-world fantasy story about a young home-schooled barista named Kirana, later known as Kyo. Kirana knew she wasn’t human–which human being would have to perform a painful ritual every night before her birthday? The week before her birthday has always been her most hated week of the year, especially when she was supposed to have a sweet seventeen. She can't blame her mother for the genetics, yet can life be even worse?

Perhaps, yes. Kirana remembered vividly; five nights before her birthday, after she and her mother cleaned up the cafe, a black hooded figure emerged from misty black clouds and sparks of lightning. Her mother dissipates as the mysterious figure touched the woman along with the clouds and lightnings, right in front of Kirana herself. Rather than being left in the unknown, Kirana ventures into the world she was supposed to live in. But, that would only mean one thing; she has to embrace her true form in a world she barely knew about.

This world is called Nevma, a place separated, yet connected, to Earth. But, they called Earth The Underworld, a place where sinners and evil souls roam here and there.
The Inspirations
First sketches of Nevma, 2018
It all started with my love for cats, unicorns, and fantasy.
Junior High was my peak book-lover age where I read countless of novels, especially fantasy. At the same time, I found the term 'original character.' This is where I first created Kyo, a girl with unicorn horn and cat ears. For fun, I made her a twin, then a family, suddenly, for Indonesian Class' finals during 9th grade, I made NEVMA—the first story I ever properly wrote (aside from cringe wattpads).

Nevma is heavily inspired by two novel series; Ther Melian by Shienny M. S. and Bumi by Tere Liye. In Ther Melian, they have three different kinds of races in one big world filled with countries and diverse ecosystems. The story focuses on the main character, who is a mix of an Elvar (elf) and a human, and her friends searching for a collection of relics to defeat their enemy. Bumi, on the other hand, focuses more on the adventure of the main character and her friends, exploring countless parallel worlds to defeat their enemies.

I wanted to make a world filled with diversity. I explore and learn about many places in the world, including Europe, Africa, the Arctic, Southern Asia, and Indonesia as my main reference for my world building needs.
fantasy • adventurous • enigmatic
Magus are people with elemental powers. There are five major elements (fire, air, water, earth, and spirit) and four minor elements (electricity, lava, flora, and ice). They are long-living species with 500-700 years of lifespan.

Magus are well known for their long ears and four phases. The four phases of Magus are Bakal, Abiwara, Dwaja, and Lakon. Theoretically, Bakal are commoners, Abiwara are students, Dwaja are teachers or High Elders, and Lakon are masters. To achieve higher phases, a Magus has to go through a series of tests. The higher the phase, the harder the test, the more rules, and restrictions. Many said that reaching Dwaja is nearly impossible and Lakon can only be achieved by one Magus in each eras.

In everyday life, Magus could be found in most areas. They are smart, witty, and logical. Many magus became healers and defenders. The fireballs you may find in castles or sacred places are a form of eternal defense casted by them
Physcas are people with the blood of beasts, best known as 'the descendants of the beasts'. Every areas has different types and kinds of beast descendants. This species could live up to 100 to 300 years depending on their kind.

Unlike Magus, Physcas doesn't has any phase system. But, they do claim whoever is the strongest is their leader. This does not mean that all Physcas are arrogant—in reality, there are Physcas that are not qualified to even enter small fights like the descendants of rabbits, squirrels, penguins, and many others.

In everyday life, they took the form of a Normos being with certain features popping out of their body. The more they show their beast feature, the more confident they are. But, some kinds of Physcas couldn't retract their beast features. Most Physcas became the area's defense system.
Normos are people gifted with astronomical creativity. They don't have certain features popping from their body, nor any forms of power. They are what we would consider as 'normal human-beings.

Normos can always learn how to fight from Physcas or learn how to make potions from Magus, but they will never be acknowledged as the strongest nor a part of a certain phase. Normos are also called short-living species due to their lifespan of 75 years.

In everyday life, Normos can be anything; an artist, a castle servant, a healer, anything they want.
. . .
Everyone lives side by side, helping one another, and—of course—loving one another. In Nevma, more people are what we would call heterosexual—being attracted to the opposite gender. Although, there are no boundaries of genders, species, nor races for marriage. Yet, everything comes with its consequences.

Physcas and Magus as the prime examples. It’s considerable if they only have a romantic attraction to one another, yet marrying is never a choice–especially for Magus who are Dwaja and Lakon. It started as a taboo, yet as the number of protests and cries parents let out every year, the High Elders agreed to make it a sacred rule that should never be broken.

As the High Elders said; follow the rules or face the consequences.
A Fushion is the result of the marriage between a Magus and a Physcas. This species has the shortest general life span in Nevma of 6-12 years. Those who live beyond the life span are considered legendary beings, almost mythical. This happens due to the complexity of their body, so they have to go through a painful ritual every night before their birthday if they want to survive—or rather, live.

If a Fushion is born, they have to live under the royal defense system supervision. As for the parents, they will have to go through several punishments from both species' High Elders.
Center Nevma
Center Nevma is the capital city of Nevma. Many of its architectural sites are inspired by classic old and medieval European buildings.

The castle is located on a floating Island in the very heart of Nevma, protected by the Four Sacred Statues. To reach the castle, you have to use the sheer bridge that could only be accessed–and seen–if you had an agreement with the King.

Most of the people living here are people who came from other areas, so there are very few natives in Center Nevma aside from the royal family. But, they still have a distinct style of fashion; many overalls and nude to dark colors.

Elemental: Air, water, earth
West Nevma is where most Physcas originated from. It's known to be the hottest area with vast savanna, gigantic rocks, and sands. Many of its architectural sites and people are inspired by traditional African tribes and buildings.

They are known to have the Wall of Sages, a wall that separates the kingdom from wild beasts. Inside the wall, there is another separator for commoners and the royal family. It has been a tradition for West Nevma to be ruled by a Physcas.

Elemental: Fire, earth, spirit, lava
South Nevma is the home for most Magus. It's known to be the Rainforest City of Nevma and where Magus would take their Dwaja and Lakon tests. Many of its architectural sites and people are inspired by Indonesian culture and tribes.

South Nevmanian lives on top of trees because they believe that evil spirits roam on the floors of the forest. Out of all areas, when other royal family isolates themselves from their people for safety reasons, South Nevma’s royal family has always been the closest to their people. But, the civilians of South Nevma still respect the royal family very much.

Elemental: Spirit, water, air, earth, fire, flora
Due to their different mindsets toward technologies, the Eastern area is divided to two branches; Outer Eastern and Inner Eastern.
Outer Eastern is where most technology originated from. Many products are made from the collaboration between Magus and Normos. Many of its architectural sites and people are inspired by Eastern Asia, especially Japan.

Outer Eastern Nevmanians live in futuristic buildings that looks like eggs, they also travel with bullet trains. The royal family, on the other hand, lives in a traditional castle. It may look outdated from the exterior, but the interior is not much different than the futuristic city.

At the same time, Inner Southerns isolates themselves on a separate island. Majority of the people are Magus. There are no futuristic buildings, gadgets, nor any form of technology on this Island because it’s prohibited. The civilians live in a traditional house, while the head of Inner Southern lives inside a cave that also serves as a shrine.

Elemental: Air, water, earth, electricity
Northern Nevma is home to most Normos and castaways. Out of all areas, Northern Nevmanians are known to be the most humble people in Nevma. This area, too, is a place where most soldiers get their best weapon from the best craftsmen. Many of its architectural sites and people are inspired by the Inuit tribe.

Northern commoners and the head of the tribe live in Igloo, you may also find many found-families living under the same roof. The crystal hovering you’ll see as you step into North Nevma is a monument left by the Great Craftsman, the first Normos in Nevma.

Elemental: Air, water, ice
The World of Nevma

The World of Nevma
