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The Big Fridge: Iceland project LIP

After the success that my seasonal posters gained for Iceland, the manager approached me again with another project in mind. He had been on a course called Lip, and needed a way to show what he had learnt over the past year. 
I sat down with him and brainstrormed some ideas, he basically wanted to portray what he had learnt in the form of a journey shown on a road, accompanied with little images showing the steps he undertook.
I took this away with me and worked on the idea. After some previous trials I thought the best way to display all of the images was to work on a large format idea. When I thought of flarge format I came up with the fridge idea.
The fridge idea was to present the journey as a series of scraps of paper that were then stuck to a large fridge, held on by fridge magnets that were in fact the road. I presented the idea to the client and he thought it was great, so I progressed with it. 
I had to make alot of individual images to display on the fridge.
Roar 919 is a frequent saying that the client uses within the store, it does have some relevance and is not just a random quote.
So this is what happened, I wanted the fridge to look very much like a normal fridge with scraps of paper and photos on it. As you can see the road can still clearly be seen beneath the individual images.
Below is the fridge, to read the journey you have to start from the bottom and work your way upwards following the road.
As you can see there are quite a few images, but in the end when it was printed out it looked alot clearer as it was a six foot fridge.
I incorporated top trumps onto the fridge as a way to look at peoples skills and abilities.
Beneath are all of the different characters and their different poses shown on the fridge.
I kept the figures quite simple and textureless to keep down rendering time.
The client wanted to portray what type of person he was before and after he completed the lip project. I suggested as the fridge was quite a childish theme, that I make two kids place mats that he could then colour in with crayons. One would show the type of person he was before lip and the other after. 
So the top place mat is the type of person he was before lip, as you can see there are unhappy faces and gestures. The word search is filled with negative words and the image at the bottom shows the client alone with his store on a desert island.
The happy place mat below is the type of person he is now, after completing the lip project, here the word search is filled with happy words, the main image shows him holding hands with a child in a onesie which represents that he gets to see his children more. The bottom right image shows the store in the sky metaphorically doing very well. 
Overall this project was a huge success, I got some fantastic feedback from a very happy client, and his superiors were happy with his intake and knowledge about the Lip project, Everyone's a winner.
The Big Fridge: Iceland project LIP

The Big Fridge: Iceland project LIP

The Big Fridge: Iceland Project LIP
