Emma Charbonneau's profile

Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024

Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024
January 9th, 2024- In-class Exercise 
Composition Technique Used
The composition in this photo is symmetry. This is being used because the pole going straight down the middle perfectly divides the photo in half and is equal on each side. As well, with the bookshelf it again gives that symmetry feeling. 
I choose this image because this was of my strongest photos that I took for my first assignment back after the break. Another, reason was because I really love the symmetry with this composition.  As said before this a symmetrical composition because it is even on either side. It also very defined with the pole dividing it up. An interesting point is that it's in a library. I absolutely love books, and this is something I do with my spare time when I'm not at school or I don't have any homework. And I absolutely love the library that I could spend all day in the library. Some challenges I faced was trying to perfectly line up the camera with pole in order to get the composition I was looking for. I over came this by putting my phone on the floor, landscape and then looking to see where the pole was. This made it easier for me to capture it. Something I learned from this was that symmetry is everywhere even in places you wouldn't expect there to be for example the library. 

January 10th, 2023- Bright Rainbow 
Composition Technique Used
The composition technique used here is Rule of Thirds. The reason for this is because the rainbow is the centre of attention because it is so colourful. Whereas everything else is very white and not as vibrant. 
I choose this in particular I took on this day because it is so simple but so strong at the same time. It is very rare for me to see a rainbow so clear anywhere. This was actually casted from a window onto a pillar when I was at school. So I took the opportunity to take a picture of it and I realized it was a rule of thirds. And this a very strong representation of this because the rainbow is so vibrant compared to everything else. Which is why it is so strong. I found this interesting because I just love how solid the colours are and how you can perfectly see them against the white pillar. Challenges I faced with this one was trying to crop it correctly to get any distracting elements out to make sure the rainbow was the centre of attention. A personal achievement here is being able to capture such beautiful colours from a far distance. And I learned how strong rule of thirds can truly be if used correctly. 
January 11th, 2024- Early Morning
Composition Technique Used
This picture could be rule of thirds because the light is the brightest thing visible compared to everything else. As well, the trees and buildings are leading lines towards the one bright light. They're all a little tilted. 
I took this picture because at a glance when I looked at it I was like this could look like a painting and would be a great photo. As well, with the dark buildings I found it interesting to look at for a sunrise picture. The composition element that is dominant in this image is rule of thirds. The reason for this is the because the bright light is the only thing that is super dominant within the whole image. Everything is dark around it making it the centre of attention. This is interesting to me because it almost looks like the dark clouds are about to consume the light. Almost like in most movies or stories where the darkness tries to consume the good so there's nothing left. A challenge I had to face was that I took this in a car which was moving. So, it was a bit difficult to take this picture. How I overcame this was I just waited until we were stoped at a red light and took it as quick as I could. Something I learned out of this picture was that taking pictures in a car is not as easy as I thought it would be. So, I am excited to try and keep getting better at taking pictures in a moving vehicle. 
January 12th, 2024- Glow in the Dark Mini Putt!
Composition Technique Used
This composition is strong in colour. The colour scheme here is a triadic composition. The reason being because there is orange, green and purple. This is why it is satisfying to look at. As well, I could also say leading line as all the lines and colours point to the volcano and even the spill marks point there. 
I chose this particular composition because I loved all the colours that were going on and in general is a very pleasing image. And I later on realized the more I looked at it there was indeed a composition going on in this image. The composition in this image is triadic colours, and the reason being is because the colours in the image create a triangle when seen on a colour wheel. As well, because they are neon, they really clash together and create visually appealing image. I just find this overall image very appealing when I first walked in that was immediately what I saw and I wanted to take a picture of it. I find it very interesting. There weren't many challenges for this composition other than the fact I needed to make sure I was not holding up the line while mini putting. Something I learned in this image was that colour is again very powerful and just create an amazing, and it doesn't always have to have some sort of meaning or secret to it. Colours are also something fun to use to create a visually appealing image. 
January 13th, 2024- The Endless Tunnel 
Composition Technique Used
What I was going for here was leading line, more specifically diagonal line. This is leading you into a tunnel almost following the circles of light. It starts off big and then slow starts to get smaller the further you go. 
I chose this particular way of making this composition because I thought it would be really cool to see what it did. And it ended up creating a very interesting composition! The composition technique used in this image is leading line, because the circles of light draw the eye further into the image. It leads you into an endless tunnel that looks like it never ends. I find this very interesting because this is actually the lens to my camera. I was curious to see what I would look like to take a picture into the lens and this is the result. If I were to try this again I would probably clean the lens and make sure there is not reflection in it. This was also a challenge I had encountered when trying to take this image. How I overcame this was just trying to angle the phone just right to get the result I wanted. Something I learned with this image was that camera lens on DSLRs are really interesting to take pictures of from inside. I would like to try and see if I can get something from the other side, as if the viewer is the photographer. 
January 14th, 2024- The Bridge to the City
Composition Technique Used
This photo has two composition elements. The first one is leading line and the other is pattern. The leading line is the road and the railing. And the pattern is all the light posts in a row. It also guides the eye to the end of the image as well.
I chose this image because, I really liked how everything worked together. The sun shining through some clouds, cars in front, as well as the buildings in the back. Everything in this image is very pleasing and the railing and lap posts lead the eye through the whole image. As mentioned before, this composition has two compositional elements. One is leading line which is the road and the railing and the second is pattern which are the light posts. This is another interesting one I took because it shows that everyone it trying to get to work or just go into a city for the day. It shows a bit of a regular day for someone who goes to work. The same challenge occurred from the image on January 11th. I was in a car which was moving so to make the image look good I had to be quick. So, what I did was just take a bunch of photos and hope that one of them turned out the way I wanted. Again, something I learned was that taking pictures in cars is extremely difficult. 
January 15th, 2024- Into the Sunset After a Storm
Composition Technique Used
The composition technique used is this image is leading line once again. This really captures leading line and guides the eye amazingly towards the setting sun. 
I chose to take this image because I always how symmetrical the power lines are and thought it would a make a good composition. I happened to be driving by ones with the sun setting and thought it would make a pleasing composition. I seem to really like using leading line in my images because this composition is also leading line. The power lines guide the eye through the image and towards the setting sun in the background. As the snow and the road is the foreground of the image. This is interesting to me because the I lined up the shot, the sun was directly behind one of the power lines making it more pleasing to look at. Challenges I faced in this image was once again driving in a vehicle but because three of the images I took were in a vehicle I got better at taking the picture and make it sharper and clearer. Something I learned from taking this image was that leading line is a very powerful element to use. It can be so simple but can be very powerful to use and guide the eye around the picture. 
Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024

Project Made For

Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024


Creative Fields