Becca Durocher's profile

Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024

January 9-15, 2024
At school, we were asked to capture one image daily for a week-long period and create a photo diary. We were challenged to be mindful of composition and technical quality while shooting. The following includes my images, as well as a reflection on the process.
Day 1: Tuesday, January 9, 2024
"Leading Man"
This first image was taken at school while working on a separate creative project. I was on a skybridge when I noticed this man and his dog; they were about to walk under the bridge to the other side. I ran over and angled my phone downwards to get more of an overhead shot. I had the scene framed and waited for the pair to enter to snap the photo. 
Composition: The image doesn't quite follow Rule of Thirds; however, there is use of negative space as well as a diagonal line (the leash), which acts as a leading line from one subject to the other.  Diagonal lines are representing of energy - which you can feel between the man and his best furry friend. The black and white edit enhances the texture of the snow along the right-hand side and allowed for more contrast in comparison to the coloured image. 
Day 2: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
"Light, Dark, Light Again"
This is an image I took at home of my record player and one of my favourite albums: Light, Dark, Light Again by Australian singer-songwriter Angie Mcmahon (10/10 - would recommend; "Letting Go" is a bop). Music has always been an outlet and coping mechanism for me and this album has helped me through some difficult times so I decided to include it in this photo diary. 
Composition: Taking the image straight on was not very appealing so I tried it from a different angle. I tried using the record player itself as a leading line to the album sleeve which I wanted to be my main point of focus. The image also uses depth of field and includes a clear foreground, middle, and background.
Day 3: Thursday, January 11, 2024
"Mac In Mirror (closer than she appears)"
I had taken the dogs to the park and had already taken a picture there; then I noticed Mac in my side mirror when we got home and decided to take one more. Mac is a 1-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog and Border Collie mix. She is full of energy and so much love. MIA: big brother Mowgli. 
Composition: I noticed the framing first which is one of the main reasons I wanted to take this shot. Rule of Thirds is also used, with Mac being the main subject on the right side of the image within the "frame". It was a snowy, overcast day so I used a black and white edit again to emphasize the contrast and make my subject stand out more. 
Day 4: Friday, January 12, 2024
"Braving the Storm"
I was up in my bedroom getting ready when I noticed this woman walking on the road outside. Using an umbrella as a shield against the snow/freezing rain; she stood out in all black against the white snow. I ran over to my partner's phone which was nearest me in hopes of capturing her before she was gone. 
Composition: This photo includes depth with a clear foreground, middle, and background. Though the lamp post is what's most in focus, its curvature, along with the slight diagonal line from the road, allows for the subject to be the main focal point. In terms of composition, this image seems to follow the Golden Mean, which was completely unintentional. Again, i used black and white for contrast purposes and aesthetically it just looked better. Though the image isn't in focus and was rushed, I'm really happy with how it turned out and I'd have to say it's my favourite from this series. 
Day 5: Saturday, January 13, 2024
"Portrait: Heather"
My friend Heather was down for the weekend and asked if I could take a portrait of her for her business. Taken using natural lighting. 
Composition: The subject is clearly the main focus, filling most of the frame. I left some space at the top of the frame to allow for more balance. The frames at the top with the running horizontal lines contrast the subject, who is vertical. 
Day 6: Sunday, January 14, 2024
My partner and I were running errands. We noticed this woman playing the violin - she was very good. We packed our groceries away in our vehicle and headed back with some cash to give her. As we were approaching, I decided I wanted to capture her for this series. 

Her sign reads: "Family in difficult asks for your help to pay the rent and overcome hard period". 
Composition: I had a close-up shot of the subject as well but decided to use this one instead. The man on the left walking away from the subject and out of frame provides a stark difference and balance to the image that just wasn't there in the other. The two individuals also fall into Rule of Thirds. The vertical lines of the street lights and trees also enhance the overall mood of the image and give a sense of strength, which I'm sure is a quality this woman possesses. Once again ... a black and white edit. 

Day 7: Monday, January 15, 2024
Composition: This is an image of snow falling. I directed my phone camera upwards so that I would only capture the snow flakes without any distractions or other objects in the background. In terms of compositional elements, I would say this image includes a pattern (even though - yes I know - each snowflake is unique). 
I've been feeling in a bit of a rut lately creatively and I think that this project really helped with that. Though it wasn't a lot of work and really didn't take time out of my day, just the consistency of it helped. It even inspired me to pick up some other creative hobbies that I haven't done in a while, like wood burning, painting, and playing guitar. 

I mainly used my cell phone (Samsung S22 Ultra) for the images but did use my Sony A7r iv for a couple. The cell phone was more easily accessible and more covert. A goal of mine for this year was to take my camera with me any time I'm out ... this project has shown me that my phone is just as good! Though I do plan to take my film camera out more, which I'm looking forward to. 

Though most of the images were purposefully shot with compositional elements in mind, my favourite image (#4) was not. This is a good reminder to just shoot because you never know what you might discover in reviewing your images. I think it's also shown me that there is beauty in the everyday, ordinary people and things. Using various compositional techniques like the ones used in this series can really help in creating an impactful image and provide perspective.

I'm looking forward to a new term of learning and growing. 

Thanks for being here 
Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024

Project Made For

Photo Diary: Jan 9-15, 2024


Creative Fields