Cravins – a taste of home

Following my story of craving a taste of home. Create content showing day to day life and journey of randomly attempting to cook meals I have never had before or had in the past and I’m now Cravin

Color scheme – yellow/red /orange
Slogan – A taste of home, Satisfying your every appetite.
Images – lady holding a wooden spoon in one hand and a plate in the other with the word cravins falling off the plate or on the plate
Font – needs to appear playful and welcoming. Serve as a reminder of a taste of your favourite meals as a child/home cooked meal recreated with love

Design process.

step 1;   Sketching

I came up with three different sketch concept to fit the brief given. even though i wasn't the best at sketching.
with my fingers crossed, I hoped she liked any of them.

step 2; Another sketch

After sketching, I jump on a call with the client..............Then her response was, i like what i see, but i think we can have a concept 4 where i pick what i like from each sketches and we combine that to create the prefer idea.

The masterpiece concept 4.

step 3;  illustrating

I jump on concept 4 and started creating, the result was out and it was time to share with the client.

we had another wonderful conversation she was loving how it turned out, BUT!.......... Then she said there was one thing?. 

my heart broke! 

step 4;  Problem

the character face wasn't giving what she wants, she wanted more of a human like character than a cartoon character that can resonate with her more...........then i had an idea!!!   i told her to send a picture of herself i could borrow her face instead..

step 5;  Presentation

logo applications

Cravins branding


Cravins branding
