Dorin Moldoveanu's profile

Explore My Pixel Art

Exploring Pixel Art: A Journey Back to Conceptual Graphics
Welcome to my pixelated universe, where I challenge the status quo of high-resolution but artistically sterile images. In an era saturated with small pixels that often contribute little to the overall artistic expression, I advocate for a return to a graphic style closer to conceptual art. Here, we embrace the power of suggestion, steering away from unnecessary details.
The Artistic Message: In a world inundated with high-resolution yet aesthetically lacking photos, I advocate for a departure from pixel inflation. Beyond a certain age, we all look better when our imperfections are filtered, presenting a smooth and uniform color. This is not just an artistic choice but a statement – an invitation to embrace simplicity and abstraction. Let's explore this extreme.
Drawn from Childhood Games: My inspiration draws heavily from the graphics of childhood games. I believe it's time to revisit the charm of Amiga, Commodore 64, and other styles prevalent in the '80s and early '90s. For years, I shunned Photoshop, opting for the simplicity of Paint.exe to edit my images.
Power in Python and Cellular Automata: Now, I've found a more powerful tool in Python and processing, with Cellular Automata standing out as a potent source of inspiration. It has reshaped my approach to pixel art, influencing both style and technique.
Technical Details: My creations range from a few dozen to perhaps hundreds of pixels, with resolutions extending into the tens of thousands for large-scale prints. Pixel count is intentionally random, and my color palette is chosen to suit the theme, sometimes limited to a stark black and white, producing 1-bit graphics.
Abstracting Details: The greatest challenge lies in abstracting everything to a level of detail that remains powerful and comprehensible to those unfamiliar with the scene or subject. It's a meticulous process of essentializing, distilling the essence into pixels.
Evolution and Fusion of Styles: This artistic journey spans approximately five years, starting from Conway's "The Game of Life" and evolving into a natural fusion of childhood game graphics and the elegance of Cellular Automata.
Feedback and Collaborations: Feedback on prints has been exceptionally positive, where the true strength of pixel details shines. Collaborations, such as the recent one with Manole for a music video titled "Floare Albastră", have provided enriching experiences.
Future Aspirations: Looking ahead, I aspire to create a graphic novel in this distinctive style, illustrate books, and produce a short film following the same aesthetic. The possibilities within this realm are limitless.
Gratitude: Special thanks to my brother for introducing me to Stephen Hawking's "The Grand Design," a source of profound inspiration that has significantly influenced my artistic journey.

Join me in this exploration of pixel art, where every pixel tells a story, and simplicity meets sophistication. Together, let's rediscover the beauty in abstraction. 

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Explore My Pixel Art


Explore My Pixel Art
