Hi there! I know what you're thinking. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT TO WORK ON MARVEL PRODUCTS. I KNOW, right?? I can't either. For two years, I used artwork from the secret archives of Marvel and DC. I've seen things that Marvel and DC fans could only dream of. (I'll have a DC project up in the future)

As exciting as this all sounds, it did come with challenges. Like, how do I communicate this character or movie on an itty bitty living space of a ring in such a way that it reads well AND people want to buy it AND it does justice to the be-loved characters???
Haha that is what everyone wants to know.

Non-the-less I popped out a tonnnn of ring designs (even watch bands that never saw the light of day) and also many many series designs that alas, will never be.

I'd say this collaboration was one of the hardest yet most fun. My collage skills have never been better and of course knowing the nuances of our production process to get the desired results has been well etched into my mind's tool belt 
and safely guarded in my superhero soul. I hope I did the 
multi-verse and all of its fans justice.

The catalog below was not designed by me but by my fantastic designer friend Heather. 
The renderings are also not mine, but the great Scott Harrison's work.


