Tessa Galbreath's profile

Photo Diary: January 9-15, 2024

Photo Diary: January 9-15, 2024
"Hanging Moons"
Composition: Contrast & Pattern
Image Synopsis: I took this image in my kitchen. I've been wanting to photograph these lights because I love the moons and thought they'd make a great photo. This photo has a pattern due to the repetition of the moons. The white of the moons and the dark negative space around them gives very distinct contrast.
"Light from an Empty Web"
Composition: Rule of Thirds
Image Synopsis: I took this image on my deck at night. I love the look of the lights on our deck. I saw this web when it was blowing in the breeze. The web looked whimsical, yet desolate. The placement of the light and the web in this image makes the composition rule of thirds. I liked that it was off centred. The light being the focus of the photo draws your eye in to look at the web.
"Bluebirds Light"
Composition: Negative Space
Image Synopsis: This image was taken in my backyard. This is a garden light in the shape of a bluejay. It looks like a magical glowing orb, which I have always really loved. Since it was late at night, there were no other lights around. I wanted to centre the light in the image, and utilize the negative space.
"Reflection of a Girl"
Composition: Framing
Image Synopsis: In this image, I was sitting in A building near the exit. I was just taking photos around the room. I saw this girl standing between the doors. I'd originally planned to take a picture of the snowbank outside, but the woman was standing there. I found the lighting and her posture really intriguing. I feel that the image looks kind of moody or forlorn. Due to the position of the woman between the doors, there a natural frame built in the image. This is why I believe the composition element is framing.
"Picture of a Picture"
Composition: Golden Mean
Image Synopsis: This photo was one of a collection of photos I took for a natural lighting project. I was drawn to this image because I really like the way that the light back ground combines with her black shirt. The blurring of the background and her shoulders really emphasizes the clarity of the camera in her hands. The compositional element of this photo is the golden mean because the lens is positioned 2/5 of the way down and is slightly off-centred.
"To Be or Not To Be"
Composition: Rule of Thirds
Image Synopsis: In this photo I was trying to replicate a photo from the show Fleabag. It didn't quite work out the way I had envisioned. I did find that it reminded me of a Shakespearean play, specifically Hamlet. This was not at all the intent of the shoot, but I still love the image. The compositional element here would be rule of thirds because she is off to the side of the image. The light placement and her body being shrouded in darkness really give a strong sense of emotion.
"Warmth of the Streetlight"
Composition: Vertical Line
Image Synopsis: This photo was taken while I was walking home one evening with a friend. I saw this lamppost and I have always thought that these lights make it feeling magical. It brought to mind the lamppost from Narnia. This photo incorporates vertical line because of the length of the pole.
Overview of Challenges and Achievements:

The biggest challenge I faced with this project was remembering to be decisive and intentional with the compositional elements while taking the photos. I'm often not thinking about the elements as I take photos. It required me to really work to find these elements in each photo. I did need to go back and think about it again when I was choosing and editing these works. I think the most important achievement and learning objective I gained from this assignment is more intentionality in my photography. It was really great to push myself to not only take cool photos, but ones that I was incorporating my learning from class into my practice thoughtfully.
Photo Diary: January 9-15, 2024

Photo Diary: January 9-15, 2024


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