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Peugeot 0007 - WaterLand 2004

“Peugeot 0007 WaterLand”

...some years ago while being at the sea, I thought how nice it would be to have a little boat.
Suddenly I saw a ‘4 by 4’ that took my attention and then I thought how nice it could be to have a  car like that  too.
Today, couple of years later, thanks to the “Peugeot contest” I have the chance to bring that dream to a “dream car of the near future”.
The “WaterLand”, as the name said, is a car for the water and for the land; the 0007 number was given because it is some where reminds me of a “James bond 007” car. It can moves every where “The sky is the limit”. 
So the main aim was to produce a car that can do anything – multifunctional. You pay for one car but you get more than that with less expense. I investigated the amphibious cars which already exist in the market and the results were poor.  Those ones which exist are very expensive, limited and not well designed or are just army vehicles.
So I tried by this WaterLand project to achieve these goals by producing a low-cost car with high aspirations.
    The concept of WaterLand is to reach those dreams, speed by its aerodynamic design and navigability by its special adaptations, bringing the car to form a part of the changes that the world is passing.
I took the inspiration for the shape from the nature, from an animal called “Armadillo”.  This animal has aerodynamic shape and feasibility to adapt its self to different situations of danger and the superficies.
Its flexibility was a thing that inspired me and gave me the idea to adapt it to the car.
In this way I bring the car to it is belong, to the nature .It born there and it belongs to there.
The car was designed as multi joint parts to give the car flexibility and durability. There are three main parts: At the front - The cabin, at the center - the main Power unit and the rear part which is the drive unit.

The cabin :
was designed as a floating unit, looking like a speedboat and keeping the line of the Peugeot cars, it is flat underneath to enable better hydrodynamics in the water mode and  facilitate the floating on the water. as well the shape improves the aerodynamics in the land/sport modes.
The chairs are flexible with possibility to move upward and downward, forward, backward and to rotate outside in a way that improves the access into the car and when it is in water mode to transform the chair to lawn chair for sun taking or just for fishing.
I also integrated great windows area to improve visibility angles and integration with the nature.
When the car is in a parking position, by pressing the remote control or just by leaving the car, the cabin changes the position and lows to allow better access from the car or out of it.
When accessing to the car on the hoop of the steering wheel I included a safety device – expiration knob - the driver needs to exhale to pass an alcohol control before he can switch on the motor. If he passes the test which it takes three seconds the car can be switch on.
The main power unit:
The motor stays in the center And in the back there is the drive unit which becomes a maneuvering spoke in the water mode.
The driving modes:                                                                        
Water Mode: enables the car to navigate in the water. By pressing the water mode button which states in the main interface console the car activate a sensor which check the water depth then rise up the front wheels and then rotate them to the navigation position to enable a better hydrodynamic flow.( the mode can be activated only in water-when the car access it) At the back the wheels are locked and the blades are release and prepare to start  spinning  and moving the WaterLand  . (Like the Mississippi boats or the pedal boats).
The sensors on the front part of the cabin and the back part of the drive unit enable the WaterLand to navigate better according to the speed by changing the angle and adapting it self better to the water superficies. 
In the interface the navigation tools are activated: GPS, tracking and S.o.S channels.
The floating is obtained by the cabin float and the float stabilizers which are located on the exterior sides of the rear wheels. (As well the wheels themselves help to floatation).
The Land / Sport mode: 
changes the gear and the suspension adjustments, the sensor activates the flexibility mode to let a better adaptation to the car to rough and nonuniform superficies. By its flexibility to adapt to the superficies the  WaterLand can  exceed hard reached areas and by that to be a leader for rescue car or for army utilities or just for nature lovers that want to reach any point on earth. 

The interior: 
For my opinion less and simple have a better value than those over charge technology cars, people normally find them self dealing with complicated technology – how to make different things function. 
My propose is a simple interface with the main buttons for the radio/ CD /DVD controlling.  Three more buttons for the driving modes and one main rotating/ joystick button for navigation in the step by step screens.
In the main screen we can find radio/CD/DVD panel, GPS functions, General info- cars info-engine situation, fuel etc. and internet that can be navigated with this rotating joystick/button.
In the steering wheel I included a speedometer / fuel situation indicators.
For the lining I used a combination of lines to break with the round design of the car and to give him a young appeal. The chairs are made from absorbing material to enable absorbing of water in case of taking a bath the see.
*The car can be adjusted to 4 person’s version as well! It will only be a longer version.
Peugeot 0007 - WaterLand 2004

Peugeot 0007 - WaterLand 2004

Peugeot 0007 WaterLand ...some years ago while being at the sea, I thought how nice it would be to have a little boat. Suddenly I saw a ‘4 by 4’ Read More
