Rhia Theccanat's profile

2023 Chicago St. Patrick's Day Parade Float

Front Panel
Back panel
During my internship with ABC7 Chicago, I collaborated with another designer to craft a captivating float for ABC7 Chicago to feature in the 2023 Chicago Saint Patrick's Day Parade. With only two days to complete the design, our primary challenge was to seamlessly integrate the iconic ABC7 branding guidelines while infusing vibrant St. Patrick's Day motifs throughout the piece.
Adhering to ABC7's branding requirements, we strategically incorporated their logo at prominent points on the float. Additionally, we infused the essence of St. Patrick's Day into the design through vivid colors and thematic elements, ensuring it would stand out amidst the parade's festive atmosphere.
The technical drawing provided by the float builders served as our blueprint, guiding us in adhering to precise measurements and structural requirements. We meticulously translated these specifications into our design, ensuring that the final float not only adhered to ABC7's branding guidelines but also met the practical considerations of construction.
Our goal was to create a design that was not only visually striking but also easily visible and legible to the parade audience. By crafting a bold and expansive composition, we ensured that spectators from all vantage points could enjoy and engage with the float.
This project exemplifies our ability to collaborate under tight deadlines while adhering to branding guidelines and technical specifications, resulting in a captivating addition to the vibrant tapestry of the Chicago Saint Patrick's Day Parade.
Panel designs for the bottom tier
Panel designs for the top tier
Technical Drawing provided by the float designer to use as reference when measuring out the Illustrator boards
Final photos of the float featuring my designs during the parade
2023 Chicago St. Patrick's Day Parade Float


2023 Chicago St. Patrick's Day Parade Float
