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Concept design of an Ornithopter for the movie Dune 3

Hello friends :)
I am sharing with you my concept design and visualization of the new Ornithopter for the movie Dune.
Like many here, I am a fan of the film Dune. I think Denny Villeneuve is a very cool director. His visuals are great. By the way, I’m also reading the book now. Imagine, this is the first time I’m discovering the world of Frank Herbert, so don’t hit me too hard :)
After watching the movie Dune, I also became a fan of the concept design team and one concept artist in particular. I'm talking about the designer George Hull. The work that George and his team have done is simply amazing. I was inspired by this work when I created my Ornithopter.
The idea of creating something like a dragonfly/helicopter beetle captured my imagination and I started thinking in that direction.
As a child, I had a figurine of a rhinoceros beetle. This is a very beautiful beetle. I often watched beetles as a child. Unfortunately, in the place where I lived, there were not as many beetles as I would have liked :) Mostly there were mosquitoes :) But I remembered this figurine of a rhinoceros beetle.
When I started looking for information about beetles, I was struck by the Stag Beetle. Yes, you heard right. This is an amazing creature. He looks so majestic. If such a beetle were large, it would inspire both fear and awe.
He just has incredibly beautiful lines.
I liked the look of it so much that I decided to create a concept based on the stag beetle.
Since I create concepts in a model, I try out the shape first, so almost immediately I recreated something similar to the dragonfly from the movie. It's like sculpting with clay. I tried to feel this design.
The most unusual thing is that this design is very close to me. A few years ago I made wooden glasses that now remind me a little of this design.
But let's return to the Ornithopter.
So I tried different forms. I immediately realized that my main goal was to show the feel of this beetle. He is scary, he is mechanical, and at the same time he is alive, majestic.
I will attach you some 3D sketches of my design torments so that you can see how my thoughts moved towards the final form. You might laugh a little looking at these options)) One of them clearly looks like a scared cat. Other like bat. In general, I had some fun with the beetle shape:)
If I have time, I will upload a complete recording of how I modeled the beetle.
And now I present to you the finale. By the way, I would add many more details. But to be honest, I wanted to share this work with you so much that I could no longer work on it.
I hope you like it :)
I'll tell you a little about the purpose of the ship itself. I imagined this beetle as a scout. Therefore, its paws can move at different angles. Feet can take the shape of a surface. My beetle has toes.
It has relatively small wings. There are only two pairs of them. But these wings allow you to move in sandstorms.
Remember that scene from the film when Paul Atreides and his mother were flying through a sandstorm. It was not sweet life for them then :).
I took this fact into account and created additional armor for the wings. The upper wings can meet the lower wings and form armor like a beetle. This allows you to fly through sandstorms.
Since the Ornithopter explores new territories, it has lanterns that are located directly in the horns.
Flashlights help illuminate the road in the darkness right in front of you.
I have plans to finalize the project in detail and animate the Beetle in Unreal Engine. What do you think?)
Thank you for watching. Good luck to you!)
Concept design of an Ornithopter for the movie Dune 3


Concept design of an Ornithopter for the movie Dune 3
