The concept of the project is to create an interactive book that guides the child to discover light and all its facets.
The proposal is the creation of a product used for reading, discovering and experimenting with this material.
The game book contains a part of explanation and educational proposals, integrated with a play board and two lights that allow the development of the experimental and playful part within the book itself. As a result, the product has a graphically developed part with all the experiences that the book proposes and a part used for experimentation and study of light. 

The entire design of the book is based on a palette of six bright and playful colors. The colors are combined with a series of textures to symbolize different types of information. The same colors are applied to the vector graphics and educational graphics that have been created. In addition there are some secondary shades that are used to complement the shades of the seven colors of the rainbow.
The fonts used within the book are two, Gilroy-Heavy for titles and subtitles. For theses, EasyReading PRO was chosen, a font stu- diated especially to have high readability even by dyslexic individuals. The font size is 14 pt. so as to be accessible to all. There are some secondary texts with a font size of 12 pt.




Il progetto di tesi Helios è un game book per bambini che tratta la spiegazione del fenomeno della luce ai bambini sia in ambito didattico che fa Read More
