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An Elegant Plague: Seven Day Project

One Project a Day
In 2023, I was given the challenge of creating one new project a day for a week. Sadly, I missed the last day and didn’t quite make it, but I still wanted to create the seven images I set out to create. The theme I chose was An Elegant Plague, creating images of elegantly dressed women with a mix of something darker, that of plague and gas masks. I created these images to mix the mood of two very different subjects, women going about their day as if life were normal while wearing gas or plague masks, hinting a more sinister and dangerous life around them. Using white behind the stickers, I hoped to create these into stickers. 
Each day I would work on one sticker from start to finish, editing it and fixing it throughout the day, experimenting with colors and position and shading. I learned a lot from these and hope to try again one day for the week long challenge, but for now I’m grateful for the chance I had to learn and experiment. 
Here’s an extra image I made at the beginning when experimenting with having a mix of black and white with a pop of color. 
The images aren’t perfect, there are several aspects I would love to go back and edit and change, but part of the challenge was not going back and changing anything from the 24 hours given to each of them. I learned a great deal from each image, and for that I am grateful. 
An Elegant Plague: Seven Day Project

An Elegant Plague: Seven Day Project
