Günther Möller's profile

Contenedor Brand Identity Program

For the Brand Identity Program of Con-tenedor, a company that provides black kitchen services in shipping containers, we played with the Spanish word “Contenedor” (container) and split it to cleverly include “Tenedor” (fork), crafting a name that is both appealing and smart. This linguistic strategy not only clearly communicates the nature of the business—container-based food services—but also subtly incorporates the notion of eating utensils, connecting directly to the culinary aspect.
Expanding on this, the split in the word not only highlights the functionality of containers as mobile spaces for food preparation but also embodies the idea of serving food, tying back to the utensil part of the name. This clever play on words creates a memorable brand name that stands out and conveys the company’s unique approach to offering kitchen services in a compact, modular setting. It’s a name that reflects innovation in the food service industry, merging practicality with creativity.
Contenedor Brand Identity Program


Contenedor Brand Identity Program


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