We all have our role models and heroes, in the form of teachers. This Teacher's Day, we at Digitally Inspired Media wanted to pay a tribute to teachers of a different kind. The ones we've watched growing up, the ones who've been the biggest parts of our sub-conscious personalities, our passions, our dreams and desires. We've laughed at their one-liners, cried when they got into trouble, feared for them when they were faced with a life-threatening situation and have used their dialogues for almost every real-life situation.
There you go, here is our minimal 'iconic' tribute to the greatest teachers in pop culture history. We thank them for their constant inspiration and their #ReelLifeLessons.
We hope you enjoy them as much we did making them. Happy Teacher's Day, everyone.
Thanks for watching!
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Reel Life Lessons

Reel Life Lessons

A minimal iconographic tribute to the greatest teachers in pop culture history.
