So basicly, nothing special here.
Just a few snapshots I took on our trip to New York, which was our first time being there. I liked how some came out and wanted to give them a little space on this account. Even though they are not high quality pictures I took with my Canon, I still like they came out and they make me miss New York ;-) I hope to go back someday soon. 
- Cherish Valerie 
The New WTC Tower in perspective
Madison Square Park
One of the most hardworking citizens in New York
Times Square
View over the city
Delicious breakfast
On our way to the Natural Museum of History 
View over the city
View over the city
Fifth Avenue
View over the city
One of the new WTC Towers
New York City Zoo
How I love Muffins..
New York

New York

Just a few snapshots I took on our trip to New York. Nothing special, just wanted to give them some space on this account.
