A cold December night. The clock is about to hit 12, and all of Los Angeles is asleep except…

Maggie’s Diner. The establishment is consumed in fog, the lights inside managing to bleed through. Despite the spooky exterior, inside it’s just like your typical American diner.

A rerun of John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech and the sound of two patrons clanking their spoons fill the atmosphere. A total of two waitresses are on the clock, and one of them decides to check if the two customers need anything.

The other waitress, Suzanne Kahn (32), is immersed in a completely different world. She stares out the window, not able to look that far due to how overpowering the fog is. Her trance is nothing but a mystery, but whatever she’s daydreaming about must be quite delightful as a smirk starts to form on her face.

Unnamed waitress

The waitress’ voice jolts Suzanne out of her trance.

Unnamed waitress (cont’d)
Can you fetch table 13’s bill?


Suzanne quickly prints the bill and rushes toward table 13. She places the bill on the table and hurries back behind the counter.

Moments later, the restaurant is empty. The sounds are reduced to the weather forecast. The two waitresses are left with nothing to do. Suzanne is back in her world, this time with a minuscule hint of awareness.

Deep in her consciousness are flashes of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. A dream that many are capable of seeing but fail to realize.

The two waitresses continue to cherish the peace until someone walks through the door. His face is almost completely obscured by his fedora. He's quite big, his black trench coat only highlights his size.

The other waitress approaches him.

Unnamed waitress
Hello! For how many?

Mystery Man
I'm not here to eat.

Unnamed waitress

His voice has a strong southern quality, imbued with a threatening aura. The waitress appears to be shaken by the man's presence.

Mystery Man
I'm here to speak to a Suzanne Khan.

Suzanne becomes fully alert once she hears her name. She comes out from behind the counter to greet the man as curiosity starts to consume her. She thinks about standing on her toes to try to meet the man's eyes, but intimidation stops her from doing so.

That would be me, sir.

Mystery Man
Mr. Hitchcock was floored by your audition; he would like to see you at his house.

Suzanne, overwhelmed with joy, can’t put together another word. The other waitress walks off in a blitz, leaving Suzanne in her euphoria.

I don't know what to say.

Mystery Man
Just come with me.

On the verge of tears, Suzanne follows the man to the door, she comes to a halt once the other waitress calls for her. 

Unnamed waitress
You expect me to cover for you Suzanne?

Tell Maggie I quit, Suzanne Kahn is going to Hollywood!

Suzanne takes her seat in the back of the man's Aston Martin. They drift off onto the neon-drenched streets of Los Angeles.

Along the way, Suzanne rehearses icebreakers in her head. Her smile doesn't seem to fade. However, a part of her seems to be disturbed. She looks into the rearview mirror and finds the man staring at her. He shifts his gaze immediately.

What do you do for Mr. Hitchcock?

Mystery Man
I'm just the messenger

Suzanne is unearthed by this response. A part of her realizes things may not be as they seem, but she chooses to stay optimistic.
Mom and Dad never had any faith in me. I sold everything and came here with nothing. I knew it would-

Mystery Man
We're here.

Let down by the interruption, she hops out of the car only to be mystified by what’s in front of her. An abandoned restaurant of some sort.

Oh no, this is some sort of mistake.

Mystery Man
Walk inside, I'm right behind you.

Every instinct was telling her that she was going down a road that can only end in peril. However, she continues to walk toward the establishment as if she has lost control of her own legs.

She's in. Everything's dark with the exception of one light source at the back. A desk with a lamp that's shedding light over what appears to be a black folder. She walks toward it, the man pacing behind. She walks with restraint.

She reaches the desk.

What is this?

Mystery Man
Open it.

Suzanne looks back at the man who's blanketed by the darkness.

She picks up the folder and opens it. What she finds leads to even more confusion…

An Ultrasound image…

…of a baby?

Her eyes widen and she turns around in an instant.

The man comes into the light and takes off his fedora, revealing…


Suzanne's father
I told you honey; dreaming is for the weak. Now, wake up.

The lights come on and Suzanne's surroundings are crushed to white…

We are back in Maggie's Diner. However, this time it’s Bill Clinton's inaugural speech blaring throughout the diner.

Suzanne (Now 62) stares through the window without much trouble as it is bright and sunny. She stares at a woman in a hot pink dress and high heels exiting her Aston martin. Same smirk; same dream.

Short Story

Short Story


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