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3D image segmentation part.I

Landing on the Dorsal Pericardial Wall (DPW): Part I
3D reconstruction of the epithelium called Dorsal Pericardial Wall, where the cardiac progenitors lie. Here are the cells 🦠 that will give rise your future heart ❤️.

The 3D image has been acquired with a confocal microscope LSM 880, afterwards the different channels have been segmented independently: phalloidin in red , nuclei in blue and golgi in green. The segmentation and the animation has been done with IMARIS. Advanced renders and animations have been done using cinema4D.
In 1969 the man landed in the moon, in 2023 the man landed in the cardiac progenitor field
Landing on the Dorsal Pericardial Wall (DPW)
3D image segmentation part.I

3D image segmentation part.I
