·        Brainstorming
With the technology that I had at my disposal, I could alter my creation in ways that my drawings couldn’t do. I was able to find the right colors for my monster, and using the gradient tool, was able to blend the colors together and make them match. I could take shapes and mold them into the things that I needed with ease.
·        Execution
Without the technology, I would be forced to do several drawings so that I could get it the way that I needed it. Not to mention trying to get the colors would have been a lot harder to combine and work with. But one thing that would have worked well is that I have better control over the drawing, as using the mouse can sometimes be difficult.
·        Reflection
Looking at Artists has made me see that there is still a lot more that I could learn, as the other Artists added crazier dimensions to their works. They were adding in things like fur and spikes, which kind of makes mine look silly compared to theirs. But mine has a certain charm about it that I love, and I hope makes others feel a charm coming off it as well.
The Hug Monster

The Hug Monster

This is the hug monster that i created for my DID 2 class
