Daily Practice, the brainchild of renowned ophthalmologist Dr. Ashley Brissette, revolutionizes eye care with a unique blend of safety and efficacy. Addressing the surge in eye issues exacerbated by modern lifestyles, the brand introduces Eye Revive, the first 3-in-1 eye product designed to cleanse, hydrate, and protect.
Crafted with a commitment to clear, bright, and protected eyes, Daily Practice’s design language merges clinical precision with lifestyle aesthetics. The op art-inspired motif, reminiscent of an eye, captures attention with bold simplicity, while a minimal colour palette of soft blues, black, and white exudes sophistication.
We introduced the tagline "Your eyecare ritual backed by science," encapsulating its ethos of blending storytelling with clinical precision. Beyond skincare efficacy, the brand prioritizes sustainability, organic certifications, and global blindness initiatives, setting new standards for holistic eye care and encouraging individuals to choose products that emphasize personal and planetary well-being.

Creative Direction And Production: Cartel
Photography: Nathan Legiehn
Photography Assit: Nam P. Dang
HMUA: Sierra Elliott
Website: dailypractice.com

Daily Practice


Daily Practice
