The Chroma 256 is an internationally recognised project that looks at the different perspectives of colour in different countries. This project displays the journey of the elderly, the student, the child and the emotion of love and how their views of colour are represented.
Their views of colour are displayed through photographs that I took on their journeys. I was lucky enough to be one of the eight finalist in South Africa chosen to take part in this project. It was interesting to find out how age has an impact on peoples views of colour.
This is the jouney of the eldery. This is my grandmother and her journey on foot from home to her local neigbourhood shop to buy the bare neccessities on a daily basis. She struggles to walk so an average 50 meter journey takes her 45 minutes to the shop and back. Her colour choices are very neutral as with time choices change.though the bright colours are of the things she enjoys the most at this point in her life.
This happens to be my jouney from university to home and everything its based on the weather at that moment. It was autum and everthing that appealed to me was autum shades of orange, red, yellow and blue.
This is Meera and her jounery from home to school is bright and vibrent full of amazing moments and colours. From the clothes she wears to the road she travels everything is full of positive colours!
Each student was given a word to focus on and interpret the way one choses to. My word was love. For me love is red and pink and all things bling. Hence the shape that was designed to represent love. Love has many angles some good and some bad, this octogon is my interpretation of love.


Chroma256 is an international publication reflecting 8 different counties views of colour. each country had 8 students and their journey of colou Read More
