Jabez Lim's profile

Moments Before Memories

Sustainable Development Goal 3 of 17 - Good Health and Well Being
Good health and well being is one of the most important aspects of quality living. However in Singapore, mental health is often overlooked upon, especially in elderly.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Mental health in elderly
Many elderly in Singapore suffer from mental health issues due to loneliness and social isolation. This is due to many reasons, such as complications from mobility and health issues, but one of the main reasons is the children of elderly overlooking their emotional needs. ​​​​​​​

Busy children and lonely parents
These children often assume that their parents are fine without them, and are preoccupied with their busy lives to the point where they forget about their very own parents living away from them.

Apple X SDG 3 - Moments Before Memories

Using Apple's excellent marketing and branding, familiar user interface and touching brand films.

Moments Before Memories is a campaign that aims to tell the target audience to focus on what’s truly important in life, to put work, school and career aside. To focus on their aging loved ones, to spend moments with them, before they become memories.

A series of 3 posters and a short campaign video was created

To reach out to children of elderly which are working adults, I implemented the Iphone gallery user interface within my designs, and make it seem as if the elderly is pixelating away from this world.

I chose the gallery user interface as it is mostly where moments are stored as memories, supporting the idea of how the target audience should cherish the moments with their parents, before they become memories. Hence the tagline, Moments Before Memories.

The photos were photographed by me, using an Iphone camera, I then exported the pictures to photoshop and lightroom for basic colour adjustments and editing.

The glitch mosaic effect was achieved through illustrator and mainly photoshop, I experimented with different layouts and colour overlays and backgrounds.
For the film, I wanted to capture Apple's element of emotional brand films, so I drafted a storyboard for a short 1 minute film.

For filming, I went to my aunts house to film, I got a friend to help me pan some scenes using a stabliser. For the majority of the stationary scenes I just set up a tripod and filmed accordingly to the storyboard.
3 Poster Series
Campaign video
Moments Before Memories

Moments Before Memories
