李 登翔's profile

Assistive Keyboard Separator for Visually Impaired

在一次實地校外參訪臺中惠明盲校的過程中,與其中一位電腦老師談論到教學上所遇到的問題。由於,在盲生的電腦教學訓練上,他們從國小就要求他們開始學習電腦,並使用一般的鍵盤進行打字與溝通。該校教師從中發現,盲生在打字過程中,時常出現打錯行的情形,在觀察之下,認為盲生是無法適應鍵盤是斜向排列的按鍵設計。因此,提出能夠在「一般鍵盤上」開發一款符合盲人鍵盤的輔助 設計之需求。

During a field visit to Taichung Huiming School for the Blind, I had a discussion with one of the computer teachers about the teaching challenges they face. In the context of computer training for blind students, they are required to start learning computer skills from elementary school and use a standard keyboard for typing and communication. The teacher observed that blind students often make typing errors, and upon further observation, attributed this to the difficulty blind students face in adapting to the staggered layout of keys on a standard keyboard. Therefore, there is a need for the development of an assistive design for a keyboard that meets the needs of blind individuals, which can be implemented on a standard keyboard.
2024 綠點子 Green Idea 泰國發明展 金牌
Assistive Keyboard Separator for Visually Impaired


Assistive Keyboard Separator for Visually Impaired
