Reema Jetly's profile

two most important men

Two Men
This series is about two mundane, yet extraordinary memories etched into my mind. 
During lockdown, there was one constant visitor who made isolation a bit more bearable – my brother. Like clockwork, he'd pop into my room a gazillion times a day, with his signature line, "Kya kari hai?" (What are you up to?), delivered in that same old tone. In the middle of the chaos outside, we found our own little bubble of normalcy within those four walls. So here's to lockdown, to annoying brothers, and to finding solace in the familiar, even when the world feels anything but.
In the blur of those early dates, when we were still figuring each other out, there was one moment that etched itself into my memories. It was a typical summer day. We found ourselves standing in line at an ice cream parlor, eagerly awaiting our turn. But as soon as the ice cream was handed to my now-husband, he grabbed the cup and dashed out of the shop. Looking back, it was one of those ordinary yet extraordinary moments that defined the early days of our relationship.
These were the first sketches
two most important men


two most important men


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