For this project in my DDN-101 class, I was tasked with creating four digital paintings of a reference image. The four paintings had to each be one monochrome, complement, split complement, and tetrad. I chose this image as I wanted to experiment with different brush types to achieve the textures of the leaves, tree bark, grass, and clouds.
This is a monochrome painting. I chose blues as I believed it would look best when creating realistic-looking clouds.
This is a digital painting using complementary colors. I chose these colors as they pop very well against each other. I love the bright oranges and how the sea foam color creates the clouds. I also wanted to use orange so that I could use a deeper shade to create the brown tree trunk, and make the image look slightly realistic.
This is a split-complement digital painting. I was more abstract and creative when it came to brush types on this project. I made the clouds and sky rough, giving the tree trunk more texture, and making it look as if moss were hanging from it.
This is a tetrad digital painting. I chose colors that could go together to create a semi-realistic painting. I used the greens and oranges to create the leaves of the tree to make it look like Fall. The yellow clouds and blue-purple sky clash to create a beautiful scene. I am most proud of my tree trunk in this painting as I believe it looks extremely realistic.
Color Studies

Color Studies
