Bhavisha Hemnani's profile

Mocking the Advertising Industry - CGI Animation

Mocking the Advertising Industry - Animations
Software: Adobe After Effects, Blender
Date: January 2024 - April 2024
During my undergraduate studies in product design and my internships in marketing, I have been exposed to the intersection of art, design, and business. However, deep down, I have felt a growing dissatisfaction with the superficial nature of the industry and its promotion of a lifestyle centered around consumerism and the pursuit of happiness through material possessions. This realization has led me to question the ethics of advertising and its role in promoting waste and excessive consumption.

Having gained knowledge about the principles of advertising and understanding how to make a product stand out and appeal to customers, I have started contemplating the potential to use popular transit advertising mediums, such as animation and CGI, as a means to subvert and challenge the manipulative nature of consumerism. Alongside, I wanted to expand my animation, CGI and VFX knowledge.

Create a series of satirical animations that critique the advertising industry, exposing deceptive practices and challenging misleading claims. Simultaneously, explore consumer psychology to gain insight into the myths propagated by advertising and analyze their credibility, dismantling them effectively. By studying psychological principles and biases that influence consumer behavior, the animations aim to uncover the persuasive techniques employed in advertising and their impact on individuals.
'Your Child-like Wonder is Dead'
In a satirical manner, the statement "Your child-like wonder is dead" can be used in a mock advertisement featuring rubber ducks in Hong Kong to critique the loss of innocence, imagination, and joy in the face of a fast-paced and materialistic society.
Stay Loyal to the Foil
The phrase "Stay Loyal to the Foil" is often used humorously to suggest that one should wear a foil hat as protection from mind control or surveillance by government or other entities.
'Life in Plastic it's Fantastic!'
Barbie, with her emphasis on materialism, unrealistic beauty standards, and the promotion of excessive consumption, exemplifies the link between consumerism and plastic toys.
‘Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid’
A cautionary expression that warns against blindly accepting or following a particular belief or ideology.Urges individuals not to unquestioningly buy into the marketing and materialistic messages promoted by advertisers.
'All your Food is Poison’
Humorously highlight the potential negative health effects of ultra processed foods (in the artwork) urging viewers to make more informed and mindful choices.
'Go Touch Some Grass'
In a satirical sense, the statement is to encourage individuals to disconnect from technology, embrace nature, and prioritise outdoor experiences for mental well-being and a break from the digital world.
Mocking the Advertising Industry - CGI Animation

Mocking the Advertising Industry - CGI Animation
