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Self-publishing Project | “非书 UN/BOOK”


《非书》的想法源于朋友们为了规避“非法出版物”的风险而对“书”本身进行解构和重组。意外推动了原本遵循传统出版物规则的fanzine打破边界,在形式上向更“不像书”的artist's book靠拢。究竟什么是被禁止的,什么是书呢?把书拆成一叠明信片,或者取出线圈本的线圈能解决问题吗? 


This is a collection of fragmented texts based on non-fictional subjects, created in the format of the "Rules Horror" that once went viral on Reddit.

The idea of "UN/BOOK" originated from my friends and me deconstructing and reorganizing our books to avoid the risk of being labeled as "illegal publication" in China. This unexpected action propelled our fanzines, which originally adhered to traditional publication rules, to break boundaries and move closer in form to the more "unbook-like" artist's book. What exactly is prohibited in our country? What constitutes a book? Can dismantling a book into a stack of postcards, or removing the coils from a spiral-bound book, help us evade the threat of "illegal publication" charges?

The backdrop of "UN/BOOK" is set in a fictional era where books are prohibited. Almost all "unofficial books" have been destroyed, with very few circulating underground. Can books be extinct? Does the disappearance of books affect daily life? This leads to differentiation among those who avoid books, those who protect books, and those who eliminate books. "UN/BOOK" collects the fragmented texts from these different perspectives, reproducing an extreme form of our life.



"UN/BOOK" Cards

From an unspecified time, a set of cards has been widely circulated among the city citizens.
These cards consolidate the wisdom of the masses, imparting the gray rules necessary to maintain a normal life in this city.
As the scope of dissemination expands, it seems the content of the cards is also undergoing changes...


手册内洋细说明了“排字工”如何阅读,创造、 并分享“非官方书籍”。

"The Typesetter's Code of Conduct"

This is an internal manual written by the underground organization "Typesetters".
The manual meticulously details how "typesetters" should read, create, and share "unofficial books".
As this is the only copy, multiple "typesetters" have left notes within it.


"The Notice to Citizens Regarding 'Unofficial Books'"
This is an official announcement recently released across all networks in the city.
It includes a bounty.



"Spiritual Defense Brigade Work Log" (August 5, 2097)
"Spiritual Defense Brigade Work Log" (August 5, 2098)

These are two pages from the work log of the captain of the Spiritual Defense Brigade in a certain city.
The contents of 2098 have been sealed and classified, then submitted to the higher authorities.


City Library Borrowing Card
This is a borrowing card for the book "Fahrenheit 451" from this city's library.
According to rumors, this book has been lost to the public and has not been confiscated or destroyed.


Unnamed Chat Records
These are the final chat records between two citizens in the city.

Self-publishing Project | “非书 UN/BOOK”


Self-publishing Project | “非书 UN/BOOK”
