Thiago Figueiredo's profileAline Assumpção's profile

b.Live - Editorial

Concept developed a 12-day Ayurvedic food journey aimed at promoting a personalized diet for each patient, considering their doshas and the seasons of the year, in an exclusive and personalized manner. The visual identity reflects the colors and energies of the season and establishes a chromatic logic in harmony with the doshas. We incorporated alchemy illustrations and representations of Ayurvedic plants, using organic elements and soft tones to convey the benefits of the diet. The feminine figure is represented in a mysterious way, intertwined with natural elements, adding a touch of mystery and sophistication.

Our focus was on design, communication, and the visual identity of the project. The client already had an existing identity and sought a more professional and sophisticated material. We worked to enhance the project's identity, ensuring greater connection with the target audience and reflecting the exclusivity of the program. From the color palette to the design of printed and digital materials, we ensured that everything was aligned with the project's objectives and the client's vision.

The result was a refined visual identity that elevated the Ayurvedic food journey to new heights. The identity successfully communicated sophistication, exclusivity, and professionalism, attracting a discerning audience. Our strategic choices and attention to detail contributed to the success of the program, providing a holistic and personalized experience for participants.

b.Live - Editorial