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Packaging design and logo for the brand Yaichnaya lavka

"Yaichnaya lavka" is a Russian company engaged in the production and sale of egg products on the shelves of stores in the Kemerovo region. It is a family business that supplies the most environmentally friendly and high-quality goods
The name "Yaichnaya lavka" immediately gives us an association with something rustic, native and natural.The packaging was supposed to be associated with the summer spent in the village, among the native expanses, with grandparents, and due to this, to inspire consumer confidence.
Natural rustic motifs were chosen, a tablecloth that was always on our grandmother's table and birds sitting in nests with eggs, as a symbol of care and family for the design of the packaging.
The combination of a bright tablecloth and a beautiful natural landscape creates contrast and attracts attention, creating a window into vivid childhood memories in the village.But also due to this, we emphasize the naturalness, environmental friendliness of products in the eyes of our consumer.
Dividing categories into colors + colored stripes on the side will also help the consumer to quickly identify the product he needs without having to look at it for a long time.
Packaging design and logo for the brand Yaichnaya lavka


Packaging design and logo for the brand Yaichnaya lavka
