In this era full of images, peoplep assively receive various information and visual images every day. We live inworld of hype and over-packaging,where the true essence of a product obscured by a large number of marketing images and text messages that dominate every consumer's decision.I visually reorganize real life scenesand the sensory impact brought to meby this phenomenon, creating anillusory, dizzy and blurred visual experience through image manipulation, trying to build a new sense of social order.
The indeterminate clothes under the bags are like the items being"packaged" in our currer society, which made me think about the relationship between packaging and the core.
I researched some of the phenomenon of excessive packaging, they are: 
01/ Using too much packaging for (something, such as a product) 
02/ Everyday advertising copywriting marketing 
03/ Brands selling product packaging
I photographed some real scenes and abstracted my feelings about the overpackaging phenomenon. I use the scaled, rotated, distorted, and morphed the actual scenes to make them even more unrealized to express my feelings of overpackaging.



