Cheeky Girl's Art's profile

Snorkelling Adventure Artwork Still Progress.......

'Snorkelling Adventure Artwork Still Progress'......
Medium- acrylic paint, wood burner, paper, wood canvas.

Story Behind the Artwork: This artwork is inspired from a snorkelling adventure with a good friend of mine. I have never really explored the underwater, I was blown away with the vast amounts of variety of fish, marine life in their own environment observing, certain characteristics of the marine life, the numerous hiding places of the fish &, the way they swim of pods it was so interesting observing the marine life behaviours. 
'Arty Process Snorkelling Artwork (Phase 1)'
Phase 1 Artwork Process- The first step of the artwork involved Coral's mind mapping out the idea I had visualised in the mind on to the wood canvas. I had a few key idea's that I wanted to be displayed in the artwork such as the, (marine life, seaweed, rock centre of the artwork). I went about sketching these ideas on the wood canvas and designing the seaweed. 
'Arty Process Snorkelling Artwork (Phase 2)'
Phase 2 Arty Process- This is where the fun starts as an artist, the painting of the marine animals and I wanted to challenge myself as an artist to use mixed media, incorporate many different techniques & skill sets into the painting. The use of wood burning gives the painting a bold outline around the marine life animals, which looks really cool, hope you may like it too. 
Snorkelling Adventure Artwork Still Progress.......


Snorkelling Adventure Artwork Still Progress.......
