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Ookami No Tsubasa - Reff Sheet

How in Behance the images have limeted size, I just crop in parts the Character Reference Sheet for a quick upload and better view! (just for you know, this is my main mascot in the web.)
This is a Vector art made in Illustrator of her Bakemono/Ghost form.
Turn Around Character Reference Sheet
I needed some more training with Turn Around Sheets, it is a big deal for animation and 3D designs, so for a best understanding the lines/anatomy and color references are in diferent formation.
Color Pallete
And there is the Color Palette of Ookami. Dont worry about the description of Ookami, you will find it soon in this page!
Extra Conceptual Art
Up Ahead you just realized, a pupy with hair, so you asked "WRY A PUPPY NEED A MOHAWK HAIRCUT???"
When you find the Character Description, may you find the answer!
Oh my god, she can have a Mane Horse Haircut too!
If you find by yourself how pranky this character is, notice that this Haircut is the most funny that she will suit!
A Black Power!!!
Character Description
And finally, the so wanted.... description!
Name: Tsubasa No Ookami  (occidental write: Ookami No Tsubasa)

Name meaning: Windget Wolf

Age: Unknow / no data  (aparently 3~4 months of a wolf age.)

Specie: A unknow Youkai/Bakemono 
(something like Kitsune or Okami, plus can use sixth and seventh senses)

Gender: Genderless / Assexual (but likes to be called as She)

Temper: Good~Caothic (mainly neutral)

Personality: Has a human like personality, but still
 a beast, she can be very wild and agressive, when taunted.
Quiet and solitary, somethimes can be social, just playful 
 and crazy aroung friends. In a nervous or 
stressed mood can be protective and isolate itself.

Food: Small, medium mammals and some fruits, 
at natural, but can eat bakery food too. (dislikes cereals, grains and vegetables, just eat cooked
vegetables, in hunger).

Habbitat: Forests, plains, mountains or anyother place with
plenty of water, and rarely goes to city, to steal food or pranks
 in people. [to enter in humans terrytory transform itself
in objetcs ,animals, or simplely she turns in a ghost/poltergeist]

Body characteristics: Even small, it have a heavy 
bone structure and some muscular. Curve, strong and 
retractable red claws. Big round dark pupils, big yellow iris, 
not visible sclera, that when stressed or afraid it pupils gets
bigger, and as agressive becomes smaller. Long and triangular
ears. Strong jaws and a particular tooth structure, the bottom
fangs are more rounded. Long and fluffy tail. EVER SUITS THE

Elements: Can manipulate Water (wind and ice too), fire,
energy and earth. (mainly the oxygen trio)
Forms: Generally it runs away of enimies, avoids fights,
but, when in friends company it can transform to as illusion 
of any creature to scare the oponnet. Also, when someone throw
some food at her in a emergency situation she can really shift
to another creature, or upgrade and mutate the origin form.
A anther real form/apearence of her is the Black Panther, in 
this form she gains the shadows element and big resistence to
 fire, thunder and black magic. But rarely show as it. 
The pingent at her scarf can hold another two secret forms,
a more adult and serious (Akami, the real windget wolf),
 and an insane bloodthristy (Aka-oni, the hateful).
Likes: Food (its glutony), space to run, nature, animals 
(principaly babies) and regions with plenty of water.

Deslikes: Vegetables, cruelty, drama-llama, 
strangers at her terrytory, tyrant and arrogant creatures.
Ookami No Tsubasa - Reff Sheet