Manuel Tavares's profile

A year of Urban-Sketching

It's been hard to recover from a long time of being apart the creative old-school media. I missed it. I used to spent time of though in search of inspiration or ideas for new pieces but the daily life didn´t provide me with much. Years passed by.
One day in a visit to an Urban-Sketchers exhibition i was asked if i could draw. I said yes, it was a while since I sketched last outside and right away i was challenged to participate in one of their meetings in the next day. I wasn´t prepared so i missed it, but i went on the next after i did my research. Ever since i've never stopped. It's been a joy to draw again almost daily, to sketch freelly without the worries of perfection, to experiment new materials and media, to make new friends to learn with and teach a few things. It took some time untill i could call myself an Urban-Sketcher. Currently i'm a sort of Hybrid-Artist-Sketcher.
The Urban-Sketchers have an manifesto:
1- We draw on location, indoors or out, capturing what we see from direct observation.
2- Our drawings tell the story of our surroundings, the places we live and where we travel.
3- Our drawings are a record of time and place.
4- We are truthful to the scenes we witness.
5- We use any kind of media and cherish our individual styles.
6- We support each other and draw together.
7- We share our drawings online.
8- We show the world, one drawing at a time.
Bellow are a few of my sketches from meetings of UrbanSketchersPortugal and my vacations .
46.º UrbanSketchers PT Meeting, November 17th, 2013
Gares Marítimas de Alcântara e Rocha de Conde de Óbidos,  Lisboa
53.º UrbanSketchers PT Meeting, April 5th, 2014
Moínho de maré de Corroios (Tide mill of Corroios)
Vacations May 2014
Dornes + Lago azul
54.º UrbanSketchers PT Meeting, May 10th
Cova da Moura, Amadora
55.º UrbanSketchers PT Meeting, May 17th ,
Museu Arqueólogico do Carmo, Lisboa
58.º UrbanSketchers PT Meeting, June 21th ,
Gulbenkian gardens - Summer's 
solstice, Lisboa
Feira de S.Pedro (StPeter fair) Torres Vedras, June 29th
I'll be adding more soon  ...
A year of Urban-Sketching

A year of Urban-Sketching

Series of drawings and live sketches from urban areas of Portugal
