Working from a brief, the aim of this project was to create two opposing characters, an antagonist and a protagonist, originating from a set list of genres.
The requirements were to create two model sheets, one for each character, 2D digital renderings using Adobe Illustrator and two 3D character maquettes to demonstrate an ability to transform a drawing into a psychical model.
Below are some preliminary sketches of character ideas.
2D vector image of male character created in Illustrator.
2D vector image of female character, also created in Illustrator.
Below are the 3D models created of the characters, made of "Newplast Modelling Clay".
Basing my research on the genre "dystopia" I began by creating the environment in which my characters would belong.
A futuristic world, society has become segregated into two distinct classes, represented through my characters. Extreme global warming has caused the majority of the population to migrate below ground with expanse man made domes, equivalent to a greenhouse, covering vast areas of land to facilitate a crowded population and a nescessity of mass horticulture. The manual labour both on and under the earths' surface is undertaken by the lower  class of society. They are basically slave labourers working in a humid yet dingy, darkened environment.
On the other hand, an extreme evolution in technology has led to the creation of hovering cities above the domes where temperatures are kept moderate and the environment fresh and clean. However, space is extremely limited. 
Hence, the upper classes inhabit the hovering cities with lavish lifestyles fueled by the begruding occupants of the earth.
So with this enviroment in mind I began to research the effects such living conditions would have on my characters. Focusing in on respiratory problems for both the underground  and the high altitude dwellers, I began to create concept designs fueled by the idea of "organic mechanics"; new, avant-garde technology devised by this technologically advanced society.
This was such a fun project to do! I love character design and it would definitly be something I would love to work on in the future.
Character Design