David Combs's profile


Originally, I had anticipated on doing a collage project through Instagram, but when I got stumped, I immediately wondered if I could collect a set of found numbers through the remainder of my stay in Minneapolis, MN and get to exactly 100. Before I knew it, I was already collecting more and more numerals.
The hardest part was gnabbing up the numbers throughout some of the taxi cabs - most of the drivers were very rude and were paranoid I was collecting the numbers for a lawsuit or something. I found the best place to shoot the photos were out in the stores that surrounded me in the metropolitan area. Sales associates from all around were more than eager to participate in assisting me in collecting my digits, and if it weren't for them, I'd be stuck.

Listed below are the ones I've collected from 1 through 25; I really hope to add more in albums in the future and maybe get to 1000 or more, and maybe someday, make a book with all of these numbers collected all together!


Originally, I had anticipated on doing a collage project through Instagram, but when I got stumped, I immediately wondered if I could collect a s Read More
