Julia Art  Photography's profile

Oh, Venetian Canaletto....

Oh, Venetian Canaletto!..

Impression from  Venice  in my photos...
Before the camera was invented, painters could make a decent living selling realistic or slightly idealized images of popular tourist destinations. People like to remember the places they've traveled, and have the proof of their travels to show off to their friends. In the 1700s, Giovanni Antonio Canaletto was able to take this tourist wish and turn it into high art. Canaletto churned out hundreds of scenic landscape paintings during his lifetime, mastering the use of perspective. His work also set the stage for later Impressionist painters.

Canaletto painted variations of this commanding view of the entrance to the Grand Canal seen from the north on many occasions.

Canaletto inspired me in my works. I use all my impression, imagination and art of vision for my Venice.
 In the present composition Grand Canal and all Venetian canals are the major motif in my photo-painting.
Oh, Venetian Canaletto....

Oh, Venetian Canaletto....

Art of Canaletto inspired me in my Venetian works. I use all my impression, imagination and art of vision for my Venice......
